Category Ephemera

An Anglo-Spanish Victorian in the Midlands: Augurio Perera, co-founder of lawn tennis

Those of you who have been following our adventures on Twitter will know that this summer, the Booksonspain family moved from Merseyside to the Midlands.  Being used to the multicultural port-city history of Hispanic Liverpool,* I wasn’t sure how much Hispanic history I’d find in the landlocked Midlands, but thanks to last week’s Kenilworth Weekly News and a […]

Putting it out there: on conference papers, open access, and the Grand Spanish Charity Bazaar

Those of you who follow me in my various electronic incarnations will know I don’t exactly keep a low electronic profile. You’ll find me more or less active on Twitter,, LinkedIn and on my own personal, departmental and (soon!) project websites, and I make an up-to-date online CV accessible via various portals. One of […]

Obituary: Sir Albert Sloman (1921-2012), Liverpool Hispanist and Higher Education Visionary

I was sad today to hear of the death of a former member of the Hispanic Studies department here at Liverpool, Sir Albert Sloman (1921-2012). Sir Albert was a precocious and visionary Hispanist who during his tenure as Gilmour Chair of Spanish (1953-62) transformed the department’s longstanding journal, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, into one […]

Esther Tusquets (1936-2012): Ground-breaking Catalan/Spanish Writer and Publisher

I have just seen the very sad news that the ground-breaking writer and publisher Esther Tusquets has died in Barcelona at the age of 75. Tusquets was born a month after the start of the Spanish Civil War, and her earliest memories, as recounted in her first volume of autobiography Habíamos ganado la guerra (We had won […]

Some Postcards, a Royal Wedding (no, not that one), and a Review

Wherever you are in the world, especially if you’re in an English-speaking country or Northern Europe, the great excitement over the upcoming British Royal Wedding probably won’t have escaped you. Prince William and Kate Middleton will be tying the knot in Westminster Abbey this Friday, 29th April, and the nation is rejoicing (largely, it must be […]