Category Academia

Putting it out there: on conference papers, open access, and the Grand Spanish Charity Bazaar

Those of you who follow me in my various electronic incarnations will know I don’t exactly keep a low electronic profile. You’ll find me more or less active on Twitter,, LinkedIn and on my own personal, departmental and (soon!) project websites, and I make an up-to-date online CV accessible via various portals. One of […]

On criticism, generosity and gratitude: the travels of “Writing Galicia into the World”

Those of you with long memories may remember that nearly two years ago I published my second academic book, Writing Galicia into the World: New Cartographies, New Poetics, with Liverpool University Press (you can read about it here on the LUP website). The book explores the writings of and about Galicians in London and the wider world, by authors […]

Obituary: Sir Albert Sloman (1921-2012), Liverpool Hispanist and Higher Education Visionary

I was sad today to hear of the death of a former member of the Hispanic Studies department here at Liverpool, Sir Albert Sloman (1921-2012). Sir Albert was a precocious and visionary Hispanist who during his tenure as Gilmour Chair of Spanish (1953-62) transformed the department’s longstanding journal, the Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, into one […]

Not dead yet! And here’s what I’ve been up to…

Gosh. It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? So, you’ll be pleased to know (I hope) that the post title is true. The blog and I are Not Dead Yet (look out – sound!); it’s just that various professional obligations have been keeping me busy and travelling – although my newly-acquired toy-cum-travelling-companion  means that my books […]

An excuse, a tip, and a promise, or, head-first into the new semester and why I have been reading but not writing

This minipost is by way of an excuse, a tip, and a promise. First the excuse. Our new semester started this week, albeit with the old one still hanging around like a gentle whiff, in the shape of marking, moderation and mitigating circumstances. Last semester finished with a major exam on Friday afternoon, and the new one […]

The pre-semester deluge and a new look, or, good intentions but little of substance

Is it really the 20th of January already? In my world, that means 11 days until the new semester, when I will be teaching a brand new module for final-year undergraduates. A module that has existed in my mind since last spring, but which now has to become reality aka a syllabus, handouts, worksheets and […]